Ballhof Zwei
„Think Big“ Update 2017
Shumpei Nemoto (SE/JP), Yaron Shamir (DE/IL), Cooperativa Maura Morales (DE/CU)
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Since its launch five years ago, the Think Big artists’ residency programme, co-initiated by the ballet of the Hanover State Opera and TANZtheater INTERNATIONAL, has given 15 young choreographers the opportunity to create new productions with a large ensemble. High time for an update: This year, we wanted to find out where the young artists are now and what themes they are currently exploring in their work. The programme’s hosts selected three previous “Think Big” participants to show a reminder-cum-look ahead: Stockholm-based Shumpei Nemoto, “Think Big” resident artist in 2013, will try out his brand-new solo on the Hanover audience, deftly playing with the public’s perception with the aid of sophisticated video technology; Yaron Shamir, who lives in Berlin and took part in the pilot edition of “Think Big”, presents an atmospherically dense solo, set in a world between light and darkness, where anything seems possible; and Maura Morales, based in Düsseldorf, and like Nemoto a resident artist in Hanover in 2013, concludes the evening with a new, shortened version of her current trio, contemplating the figure of the eponymous tragic heroine of Greek mythology with great dynamic energy.
(approx. 100 min. incl. two intermissions)
Shumpei Nemoto (SE/JP): It captures me, It moves me and It’s gone (Try Out)
Watch a video on vimeo
“[…] Nemoto […] pursues another profession alongside dance: video art. Many contemporary choreographers experiment with this medium but rarely produce such impressive results […]. This Japanese artist makes a quartet out of a solo by directing the camera so cleverly at two screens that he appears quadrupled. By showing staggered video images, he creates amazing movement patterns that intermesh kaleidoscopically. […]”
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, 4 September 2017
Yaron Shamir (DE/IL): Dream.F.H
Watch a video on vimeo
“[…] Israeli choreographer Yaron Shamir […] grounds his pieces in humour. […] The stage is lit by just one small halogen lamp, […] Shamir lies under the lamp, protective goggles covering his eyes. At last he climbs on to a chair equipped with more lamps. He switches them on, and off again, now and then directs them at the audience, lurches around seemingly blindly. Here, movement is a masterful investigation of light and shade. It really is blindingly good entertainment. […]”
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, 4 September 2017
Cooperativa Maura Morales (DE/CU): Phaidra – Die Virtuosität des Leidens
Watch a video on Youtube
“[…] The story of the mythical heroine who falls in love with her stepson and eventually drives him to his death is quite simply a captivating work that lives off the expressive force of the physical language. Morales herself performs Phaidra/Phaedra as an emotionally charged drama queen, pushing herself to her physical limits, to the point of exhaustion. […]”
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, 4 September 2017
cast & credits
Shumpei Nemoto (SE/JP): It captures me, It moves me and It’s gone
Concept / Choreography / Dance: Shumpei Nemoto
Music: Machinefabriek
Production: Shumpei Nemoto
Yaron Shamir (DE/IL): Dream.F.H
Concept: Yaron Shamir
Choreography / Dance: Yaron Shamir
Music: Yasmin Levy, Hossein Alizadeh & Djivan Gasparyan
Set design: Yaron Shamir , Michael Braun
Production: Yaron Shamir Projects
Production residency: Theater Reutlingen Die Tonne
Cooperativa Maura Morales (DE/CU): Phaidra – Die Virtuosität des Leidens
Concept: Maura Morales, Michio
Direction / Choreography : Maura Morales
Dance: Maura Morales, Chang Ik Oh, Yotam Peled
Composition / Live music : Michio
Vocals: Sandra Carrasco
Set design: Maura Morales, Philipp Zander
Light design: Philipp Zander
Assistance choreography: Victoria Perez Miranda
Dramaturgy: Pablo Ley Francelli
Costumes: Tina Miyake
Production: Cooperativa Maura Morales
Co-production: Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr / Forum Freies Theater- FFT, Düsseldorf / Pumpenhaus, Münster
With the support of: Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen / Choreographisches Zentrum, Heidelberg / Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
The project „Think Big“ Update 2017 is supported by the Kulturbüro der Landeshauptstadt Hannover.