Orangerie Herrenhausen
Sweet Tyranny
German premiere
Pere Faura / La Diürna (ES)
“[…] In the most famous pose of the film, Travolta stretches the index finger of his right hand up to the sky. […] With this brilliant work, Pere Faura erects a monument to him and other dance film greats […]. People love music films for their light-heartedness and kitsch. Here, Faura’s dancers are his tools, who precisely duplicate the steps of the chosen sequences. They don’t parody them. And yet these famous dance scenes are all absurd – because Faura simultaneously gives wordy commentaries that dissect and analyse them. […] This demystification tells us above all about dance in the real world: Faura also talks about how hard life as a professional dancer is.”
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, 7 September 2019
Preview Text
Right at the start, the Catalonian choreographer Pere Faura explains: “This is not a dance piece although we won’t stop dancing”. “We” in this case is Faura and seven other male and female dancers, who present a review of eight popular dances known from films, musicals or other performance genres. These all have special importance to Faura as they were crucial influences on him and his professional development. In this vanity show of sorts, then, the choreographer leaves no doubt who wears the top hat, directing and commentating the action with more than a hint of irony. Revisiting the more pleasurable moments of danced passion, as the title suggests, Faura uses these scenes which once gripped the world as a vehicle for exploring pressing questions about power relations – between creatives and their clients, choreographers and dancers, performers and their audience… The result is a tongue-in-cheek reflection on power imbalances conveyed on a whirlwind of dance.
(approx. 90 mins)
Watch a video on Vimeo
cast & credits
Concept, direction and choreography: Pere Faura
Dancers: Laura Alcalà, Sarah Anglada, Miquel Fiol, Raquel Gualtero, Claudia Solwat,
Javi Vaquero, Amaranta Velarde, Pere Faura
Direction and script: Esteve Soler
Direction and set design: Jordi Queralt
Texts: Esteve Soler and Pere Faura
Lighting design: Jordi Queralt and Sergio Roca Saiz
DJ music session: Amaranta Velarde
Sound design: Ramon Ciércoles
Video research and edition: Joan Escofet
Choreographic consultants: Jefta van Dinther, Anna Rubirola
Costume design: Jorge Dutor
Technical coordination: Guillém Gelabert
Technicians on tour: Sergio Roca, Emilio Vallejo
Executive production: Blancproduccions_ Sandra Casals
Production: Pere Faura Company
Co-production: Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona/ Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint Denis/ Festival Sismògraf, Olot
In collaboration with: L’animal a l’esquena / La Caldera/ La Visiva, Graner fàbrica de creació
With the support of: Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya