Orangerie Herrenhausen
À mon bel amour
German Premiere
Compagnie par Terre / Anne Nguyen (FR)
“[…] they emerge, a throbbing throng, from the stroboscope-flash-lit misty darkness of the Orangerie stage, soon to unfold their individual potentials. […] Those range from the classically stretched body, performed by Tom Resseguier, who is as adept at working the hammering beat with his perfect entrechats, pirouettes, and arabesques as Pascal Luce is with his robot-like movements from the subcategory of hip-hop known as popping. […] In this way, the group stays almost homogenous during their joint robot run, and yet individual traits are revealed in the performances by the ballet dancers and the fashion posers, respectively.”
www.tanznetz.de, 12 September 2021
Welcome to the club: “À mon bel amour” by French choreographer Anne Nguyen opens in a less romantic vein than the title might suggest. The crew of three female and five male dancers, all of them masters of their individual dance styles, dance under a flickering light, flooding the hall with their dance energy. The diverse array of movement forms with which Nguyen surprises and challenges the audience during the evening ranges from ballet to contemporary, from popping and krumping to voguing and waacking. The dancers persistently move to the fore for their solos, duets, and ensemble scenes, constantly seeking eye contact, in a haunting procession that goes to the limit. The choreographer condenses it all into a rousing, animated declaration of love for dance, which at the same time subtly questions different concepts of beauty and aesthetics.
(approx. 60 mins)
cast & credits
Choreography: Anne Nguyen
Dancers: Sonia Bel Hadj Brahim (waacking, popping), Arnaud Duprat (popping), Stéphane Gérard (voguing), Fabrice Labrana (Hip-Hop), Pascal Luce (popping, locking, waacking), Andréa Moufounda (contemporary dance), Sibille Planques (contemporary dance), Tom Resseguier (ballet)
Original music: Jack Prest
Fashion design: Manon Del Colle, Arya Haliba
Lighting design: Ydir Acef
Co-production: La Villette, Paris/ PACT Zollverein, Essen/ Fonds Transfabrik - Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant/ Espace 1789 - Scène conventionnée danse, Saint-Ouen
Action financed by la Région Île-de-France and l’ADAMI, Paris.
With the support of: Théâtre 71 - Scène nationale de Malakoff/ La Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne; Centre des arts - Scène conventionnée pour les écritures numériques d’Enghien-les-Bains/ Chaillot - Théâtre national de la danse; Centre de la danse de la Communauté Urbaine Grand Paris Seine & Oise/ Scènes du Golfe, Théâtres Arradon - Vannes, Scène conventionnée/ agnès b./ Théâtre de Choisy-le-Roi - Scène conventionnée d'Intérêt National - Art et création pour la diversité linguistique/ Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers/ CND Centre national de la Danse - mise à disposition de studio/ La Maison des Arts de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne - Scène nationale/ Théâtre Louis Aragon - Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art et création danse de Tremblay-en-France/ Théâtre de Rungis.
The par Terre Dance Company is funded by l’Aide pluriannuelle du Ministère de la Culture/ DRAC Ile-de-France, la Région Ile-de-France for “Permanence Artistique and Culturelle” and l’Aide au fonctionnement du Département du Val-de-Marne.